OMERACT working groups are focused on specific areas, such as individual diseases or methods, and their main aim is to develop Core Outcome Sets for use in clinical trials. These groups include clinicians, researchers, methodologists, and patient research partners who work together to ensure the Core Outcome Sets are meaningful, reliable, and applicable across different settings.
Do you have a Working Group Topic that is not listed above?
Forming an OMERACT (Outcome Measures in Rheumatology) working group can be a rewarding and productive way to collaborate with other researchers and stakeholders. To start a new OMERACT Working Group please follow the steps below:
- Identify a specific research question or area of interest that you would like to address.
- Reach out to other researchers and stakeholders who may be interested in collaborating on this topic. This could include other OMERACT members, healthcare providers, patient advocacy groups, and other experts in the field.
- Email OMERACT at with your idea to ensure there is no duplication of efforts. OMERACT will reply within 48 hours with the next steps to move ahead as a Methods, Outcome Domain, Imaging or Instrument Selection Working Group.