About the Shared Decision Making Working Group
Shared decision making (SDM) is central to patient-centered care and is at the crossroads between evidence-based medicine and patient-centered care. In the last decade, there has been increasing interest in SDM in rheumatology and an imperative to use SDM to achieve optimal care.
The use of consensus-building methods following the OMERACT Filter 2.1 methodology, grounded in a patient-oriented approach, led to strong endorsement of a core domain set for SDM interventions in rheumatology trials.
Future research will include the development of a core outcome measurement set to identify instruments to assess these domains in trials of SDM interventions.
The OMERACT SDM WG is classified as a ‘bolton’ group. ‘Bolt-on groups’ describe the additional domains and instruments that are part of a specific intervention, and which are measured in addition to disease-specific core outcome sets. In a clinical trial of SDM interventions, the trial must measure both the core outcome set specific to the concept of SDM and include the disease-specific core outcome set of the clinical trial’s study population. By doing so, we ensure that we measure both intervention-specific and disease-specific outcomes.
Jennifer Barton
Peter Brooks
Liana Fraenkel
Linda Li
Alexa Meara
Karine Toupin April
Simon Décary
What is shared decision making?
What are shared decision making outcomes?
OMERACT Endorsed Bolt On for Clinical Trials of SDM interventions
Working Group Members:
Adenike Adebajo
Adewale Adebajo
Ajesh Maharaj
Akpabio Akpabio
Alessandro Giollo
Alexa Meara
Allyson Jones
Angela Fearon
Angie Botto-van Bemden
Annelies Boonen
Anthony Fernandez
Aruni Jayatilleke
Aya Akmal Amin
Ayano Kelly
B Robert Mozayeni
Beverley Shea
Catherine Hofstetter
Charmaine Jones
Charmaine Melburn
Chiara Naseri
Chris Djurtoft
Christopher Fong
Claire E. Barber
Clesmanya Pereira
David Carrott
Dawn Stacey
Deb Constien
Denise Bury
Dorcas Beaton
Elena Nikiphorou
Ellen Moholt
Esi Morgan
Fernando Pimentel-Santos
Fiona Howard
Florian Naye
Francesca Ingegnoli
Francesco Caso
Francis Guillemin
Francisco Blanco
Glen Hazlewood
Grayson Schultz
Heba Aref
Hema Chaplin
Hemalatha Srinivasalu
Ihsane Hmamouchi
Ilfita Sahbudin
Ingrid de groot
Jasvinder Singh
Jay Fiddler
Jean-Noel Talabardon
Jennifer Barton
Jennifer Burt
John Fitzgerald
Judith Safford
Kai Sun
Karine Toupin April
Kate Mather
Khaled Abdelgalil
Khaled Saadaoui
Kristian Lyng
Laure Gossec
Laurie Proulx
Lee Simon
Liana Fraenkel
Liliia Shvets
Linda Li
Lyn March
Maarten de Wit
Manuel Lubinus
Maria Angeles Lopez-Olivo
Maria Suarez-Almazor
Maria Teresa Romero de Albrecht
Marta Moura
Mary Cowern
Maxine Isbel
Meghan Ryan
Melissa Mannion
Minerva Mendoza
Mustafa Serdar Cantez
Nick Bansback
Nino Tsiskarishvili
Nouran Abaza
Oliver Krämer
Pamela Montie
Pamela Richards
Patricia Hurley
Patrick Durez
Peter Brooks
Peter Tugwell
Rebecca Lee
Rebecca Johnson
Regina Greer-Smith
Rieke Alten
Robin Christensen
Rucsandra Dobrota
Sabrina Cavallo
Sabrina Mai Nielsen
Samah Ismail Nasef
Sara Monti
Saurab Sharma
Sevdalina Lambova
Shikha Mittoo
Simon Decary
Simon Stones
Sofia Valpereiro
Stacey Grealis
Susan Bartlett
Suvi Karuranga
Sytske Anne Bergstra
Takako Kaneyasu
Tamer Gheita
Tanya Meade
Thasia Woodworth
Thomas Chong
Tiffany Gill
Valerie Umaefulam
Vibeke Strand
Vicki Evans
Victor Sloan
Vivian Welch
Willemina Campbell
Yasser El Miedany
Yeonhew KIM
Zoe Paskins