This repository provides essential forms OMERACT Working Groups need to develop a Core Domain Set in alignment with OMERACT methodology. Forms are organized according to the steps outlined in the OMERACT checklists, supporting the systematic development and selection processes for core domains and instruments (parts A & B). This also includes forms for developing or refining core outcome set and related methods.
OMERACT Checklist for Developing or Updating Core Domain Sets
1. Initiating Core Domain Set Development and Forming A Working Group
2. Work Plan Development
- 2.1 Describe the PICOC (Population, Intervention, Control, Outcome, Context)
- 2.2 Core Domain Set Development Work Plan
- 2.3 Check-In: Work plan review
3. Generating
- 3.1 Scoping review to identify candidate domains
- 3.2 Qualitative work to identify candidate domains
- 3.3 Binning & Winnowing
- 3.4 Check-In: Domain Generation Review and Plans for Delphi
4. Agreeing
- 4.1 Prioritization of candidate domains through Delphi Survey
- 4.2 Check-In: Delphi Results
- 4.3 Formulation of Draft Core Domains and their Detailed Definitions
- 4.4 Deliverable: Submission of the Draft Core Domain Set to the Technical Advisory Group
5. Endorsement
OMERACT Instrument Selection Checklist: Part A
1. Review the composition of the working group
2. Understand What You Are Intending to Measure: the Target Domain
3. Identify at Least One Candidate Instrument for the Target Domain
4. Domain Match and Feasibility Assessment, Brief Review for Discrimination Evidence
- 4.1 Decide on Methods Protocol for Domain Match and Feasibility Assessment
- 4.2 Check-in: Protocol review
- 4.3 Domain match assessment
- 4.4 Feasibility assessment
- 4.5 Decision Point: Is the Instrument a Match with the Domain and Feasible for Use?
- 4.6 (Recommended): Scan of Literature to Find Evidence of Measurement Property Performance
5. Deliverable: Instrument Selection Part A findings
OMERACT Instrument Selection Checklist: Part B
1. Review the composition of the working group
2. Methods Protocol for Systematic Review of Measurement Properties
- 2.1 Decide on Methods Protocol for Systematic Review of Measurement Properties
- 2.2 TAG Review Completed.
3. Identify Relevant Literature
- 3.1 Conduct literature search.
- 3.2 Screen and select articles that are relevant.
- 3.3 Record results of identifying relevant literature.
4. Quality Assessment of the Methods: Looking for Risk of Bias using the Good Methods Checklist
5. Data extraction and completion of summary reporting tables for each measurement property
6. Comparing findings with published standards, adding findings to the SOMP table.
7. Conduct Synthesis Across Evidence Available for Each Measurement Property.
8. Identifying and Managing Gaps in the Literature.
9. Level of Endorsement for the Instrument.
10. Submit Materials to TAG for Review (all supporting materials including SOMP Table, Narrative Tables) and Obtain TAG Agreement.
11. Ratification of Level of Endorsement by the OMERACT Community.
12. Set Timeline for Update of Endorsed Instrument.
13. Implement Communication and Dissemination Plan.