The OMERACT Management Group

The OMERACT Management Group provide oversight of all OMERACT activities and operations. They are responsible for making key decisions, guiding the organization's policies & procedures, and ensuring its overall effectiveness. Each member wears two hats within OMERACT: one as a valuable member of the management team and another as a dedicated leader responsible for coordinating activities within their respective organizational sector to advance OMERACT’s mission statement. The Management Group is comprised of 5 members who possess expertise and experience in areas crucial to OMERACT.

Peter Tugwell, MSc, MD, FRCPC

Ottawa, Canada

Dorcas Beaton, BScOT, PhD

Chair - OMERACT Methods
Toronto, Canada

Philip Conaghan MBBS,PhD,FRACP,FRCP

Deputy Chair - OMERACT
Leeds, UK

Catherine Hofstetter

Chair - OMERACT Patient Research Partners
Toronto, Canada

Lee Simon MD, FACP, MACR

Chair - OMERACT Finances
Boston, USA

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