OMERACT Management Group member, Deputy Chair

Professor of Musculoskeletal Medicine
University of Leeds
Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Deputy Director
Leeds NIHR Biomedical Research Centre
Leeds, United Kingdom
Professor Philip Conaghan, MB BS, PhD, FRACP, FRCP, holds the Chair of Musculoskeletal Medicine at the University of Leeds, and is an Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist for the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He is a Senior Investigator Emeritus for the UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and is Deputy Director of the NIHR Leeds Biomedical Research Centre. His research incorporates a spectrum from translational and proof-of-concept work through to large clinical trials. His major research interests are in understanding pathogenesis and pharmacotherapeutic response in RA, OA and PsA, with a special focus on the role of imaging biomarkers and outcome measurement. He was inaugural Chair of the EULAR Standing Committee on Musculoskeletal Imaging and is a past-President of the International Society for Musculoskeletal Imaging in Rheumatology (ISEMIR). He Chaired the Assessment of Structural Change Working Group of the OARSI-FDA Initiative on OA clinical trials. Within OMERACT he is theme leader for Biomarkers & Imaging, and is Co-Chair of the OMERACT MRI in Arthritis Working Group. He is on a number of journal editorial boards, is co-editor of the Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology and has authored over 450 publications as peer-reviewed papers, review articles and book chapters.