About the Glucocorticoids Impact Working Group

Glucocorticoids (GC), more commonly known as steroids, are used to treat many inflammatory diseases. The GC Impact Group studies the good and bad effects of GCs. Side effects, or adverse effects, of GCs are common. Some are easily measured and can usually be controlled such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels. Some are harder to control such as weight gain, osteoporosis (bone thinning) and cataracts. Effects such as mood and sleep disturbance, easy bruising and body shape changes are harder to measure. Certain effects are ‘events’, which are less common such as infections and fractures, whilst others are common ‘experiences’ that have variable effects such as weight gain, skin changes and sleep disturbance.

Another difficulty is knowing whether it is the GC, another medication used at the same time or the disease being treated leading to these effects is often difficult to work out. It is also not known which effects are most important and concerning to patients.

susan goodman

Susan Goodman


catherine hill

Catherine Hill


sarah mackie

Sarah Mackie



Joanna Robson


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Suellen Lyne


joanna tieu

Joanna Tieu


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Kevin Yip


Pam Richards

Pam Richards

Patient Research Partner

Glucocorticoid Impact Overview Video

OMERACT Endorsed Core Domain Set for Glucocorticoid Impact

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