About the Contextual Factors Working Group
In 2012, ‘contextual factors’ was introduced for the first time in the OMERACT process, but identifying, understanding and approaching contextual factors proved difficult. The Contextual Factors Working Group (CFWG) was formed to provide guidance on how to address these challenges. An essential part of the research plan includes developing an operational definition and guidance on how to address contextual factors in rheumatology trials, when developing core outcome measurement sets

Robin Christensen

Lyn March

Peter Tugwell
What are Contextual Factors?
About the OMERACT Contextual Factors Working Group
Generating a list of potentially important contextual factors covering Randomized trials, Cohorts and Measurement property studies: An OMERACT initiative
OMERACT consensus-based operational definition of contextual factors in rheumatology clinical trials: a mixed methods study
Identifying provisional generic contextual factor domains for clinical trials in rheumatology: Results from an OMERACT initiative
An OMERACT Initiative Toward Consensus to Identify and Characterize Candidate Contextual Factors: Report from the Contextual Factors Working Group