About the OMERACT Osteoporosis Core Set
Randomized clinical trials are the key source of information about the efficacy of drugs used in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Currently, the measures of efficacy used in clinical trials in osteoporosis vary considerably from trial to trial, making it difficult to judge the relative efficacy of different therapies or pool results in metaanalyses. This is particularly important, since few direct “head to head” comparisons of active agents exist in the literature or are likely to be performed, and many studies are too small to answer some types of questions on their own, such as the effect of treatment on fracture rates. For these reasons it would be useful for trials to share a set of measures that would allow comparisons and pooling of results.
Working Group Publications
Implications of OMERACT Outcomes in Arthritis and Osteoporosis for Cochrane Metaanalysis.
Assessment of Vertebral Fractures in Osteoporosis Research
The Value of Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover in Osteoporosis
Quality of Life Measurement in Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Clinical Trials Endpoits Candidate Variables and Clinicmetric Properties
Responsiveness in Endpoints in Osteoporosis Clinical Trials
Guidelines of Osteoporosis Trials
Responsiveness of Endpoints in Osteoporosis Clinical Trials--An Update