About the Hand OA Working Group
Hand osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly prevalent disorder, causing a considerable burden of disease. Simultaneous involvement of multiple hand joints and presence of different subsets (e.g., nodal, thumb base, and erosive OA) make it difficult to study. To advance our understanding, high-quality studies with optimal outcome measurement are essential. The Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Hand OA Working Group (WG), assembled in 2010, endorsed a core domain set for clinical trials of symptom and structure modification and observational studies at OMERACT 2014, which was included in the Osteoarthritis Research Society International recommendations for design and conduct of clinical trials in hand OA.

Désirée van der Heijde

Catherine Hill

Margreet Kloppenburg

Féline Kroon
Emerging Leader
Francis Berenbaum - Co-Chair
Ida Haugen - Co-Chair
Mariko Ishimori - Co-Chair
Søren Berg - Patient Research Partner
Hellen Laheij - Patient Research Partner
OMERACT Endorsed Core Domain Set for Hand Osteoarthritis

Working Group Publications
Core outcome measurement instrument selection for physical function in hand osteoarthritis using the OMERACT Filter 2.1 process
Report from the Hand Osteoarthritis Working Group at OMERACT 2018: Update on Core Instrument Set Development
Report from the OMERACT Hand Osteoarthritis Working Group: Set of Core Domains and Preliminary Set of Instruments for Use in Clinical Trials and Observational Studies
Report from the OMERACT Hand OA Special Interest Group: Advances and Future Research Priorities
Working Group Members:
Abhishek Abhishek
Adewale Adebajo
Ai Lyn Tan
Alexander Mathiessen
Ali Zavareh
Amir Rezaee
Angie Botto-van Bemden
Annelies Boonen
Aya Akmal Amin
Barbara Slatkowsky-Christensen
Benjamin Dean
Bikash Mohanty
Burkhard Leeb
Carina Thorstensson
Catherine Hill
Codruta Zabalan
Corey McGee
David Felson
David Hunter
Denise Bury
Dennis McGonagle
Desiree van der Heijde
Dorcas Beaton
Els van den Ende
Elsie Greibokk
Emanuel Maheu
Feline Kroon
Foltz Violaine
Francis Berenbaum
Francisco Blanco
Francois Rannou
Fraser Birrell
Frederique Gandjbakhch
Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont
Gary Choque
Gehad Maghraby
Gillian Hawker
Gust Verbruggen
Helgi Jonsson
Hellen Laheij
Hilde Berner Hammer
Ida Kristin Haugen
Ilfita Sahbudin
Ingrid Moller Parera
Ingvild Kjeken
Inna Gaydukova
Ionut Pintilie
Iris Eshed
Isam Atroshi
Jane Hayes
Johannes Bijlsma
Josef Smolen
Karel Pavelka
Kelli Allen
Khaled Abdelgalil
Krysia Dziedzic
Kyung Min Ko
Laure Gossec
Leonardo Punzi
Leonid Kalichman
Maarten Boers
Maja Radojcic
Margreet Kloppenburg
Maria Teresa Romero de Albrecht
Marianna Vlychou
Mariko Ishimori
Marion Kortekaas
Martin Englund
Maxime Dougados
Michael Doherty
Michelle Marshall
Nigel Arden
Norman Madsen
Nouran Abaza
Pascal Richette
Pernille Steen Pettersen
Peter Taylor
Peter Tugwell
Philip Conaghan
Raouf Hajji
Rene Westhovens
Robert Landewe
Roberta Ramonda
Robin Christensen
Roy Altman
Ruth Wittoek
sasikala Bheemireddy
sasikala Bheemireddy
Shawna Grosskleg
Sita Bierma-Zeinstra
Soren Berg
Sougata Panda
Tamer Gheita
Tanja Stamm
Teemu Karjalainen
Teodora Serban
Terry Lowdon
Thasia Woodworth
Till Uhlig
Tim Spector
Tore Kvien
Tuncay Duruoz
Valentin Ritschl
Win Min Oo
Ying Ying (Katy) Leung
Zoltan Szekanecz